Friday, January 30, 2009


friesiangrl14: hey
me: Hi.
khamilton403: hi
me: Hi Kiana.
friesiangrl14: ok so i think that he was right and the real threat of america is faith in our country and that we are all loosing that faith.
me: The yellow means then, that the country as one is losing faith, and it's not gas, oil, or anything like that. He also states that the economy will get better, but we need to have faith that it will get better. He also says that the government can't do it all alone.
khamilton403: he mentions how this didnt happen over night, and that its goin to take more then just a copple of weeks to get out of it. carissa you were right we all needed to come together as a nation not just the goverment.
friesiangrl14: To answer back to the second part of this question in the yellow i would say that this would never leave this country though maybe not noticed it will always be here.
what do you think carissa
me: In my opinion, I don't think that specific threat is with us today. I think that we have more of a threat of economy today. The economy is really bad, now it's not as much as us having a problem of faith, it's the economy bringing us down now.
Now onto the red.
friesiangrl14: ok
me: I read the first red paragraph and what Jimmy Carter is saying is that we used to be a strong country that is run on our faith in god. Now we are selfish and we basically pay alot of attention to what we have, and what can be bought for us. But even that can't help fill the void we have. :D
friesiangrl14: This paragraph that i had just read talks about how america needs to look up and that
if we dont then nothing will happen and what you are letting yourself beliving it will come true.
What about the third?
me: Yeahhh. On too green. :D
Third paragraph you mean I get it!!!!
friesiangrl14: no carissa we still have another paragraph lol
hehe someones a loser
me: We are supposed to be doing are work. Not making smiley faces.
friesiangrl14: ok i def. think that this paragraph is not completely true because the reason we treat some of these facilitys like we do is because of the reaction that we get back from these places. For example our schools, well of course we are going to have disrespect for this if they raise our taxes to keep paying for things not needed.
NOW on to the next question....
friesiangrl14: ok
me: green.
friesiangrl14: lol
I do think that this relates to america today what about you?
me: Yeah, how do you expect us to respect them when we buy things for schools, and stuff we don't. Okay now onto green.
Wow, I just repeated youuu. Hahaha. But I agree comp-letely with you. :D
friesiangrl14: okay.. someones lossin there mind
me: Are we on green nowwww?
friesiangrl14: yessss
me: So in green we talk about how he is makiing a bunch of points starting with how we need to not use a lot of foreign oil. The second point is how he will use his presidential authority to make sure we have a quota. The third is to conserve energy in a way.

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