Friday, January 30, 2009

70's Post

Episode Watched: Brady Bunch
Focusing on: Family Life
Before the 70’s: Life was very simple. Families ate together, there were not nearly as many divorces. The mothers were very young. The mothers stayed home and cooked and cleaned, while the man was out working. Children could play outdoors without adult supervison. They only had one tv in the whole house, as well as one phone.
It was a very simple life before the 70's. There were only 385,000 divorces before the 70's, which is across the ENTIRE United States.

During the 70's: In the 70's everthing changed, well, to an extent. There were still the happy little homes, like the Brady's and even though they weren't perfect, because they too came from split families, but got along all too well, with one another. They made life look perfect. They could solve an issue in 30 minutes flat. The mothers in the households started to work more than they did in the 50's or say the 60's. Then you watch a show like That 70's Show that is trying to depict the 70's, and they look like the most dysfunctional family. But back then, the parents actually disciplined their child for doing wrong, and not just let them off the hook. Divorce's in the 70's also increased to about around 800,000 or 900,000 which is triple the amount before the 70's. The 70's changed alot for the people also. They had Nixon for a president, and that led to the Watergate scandal. Nixon also promised to end the Vietnam war, which tore through families across the nation. The seventies were a critical time for families. They didn't really frown upon divorce, and there were tons of split up families.
After the 70's- The changes since the 70's are phenomenal. Divorce is a consistant thing, it seems more are divorced than together. There are more split families than ever before. No one even bats an eyelash to a divorce, yet, are surprised if parents are still together. Now, almost every child across the nation has a cell phone, computer, and a myspace or facebook, when before these never even existed. The music has changed too, before the music was happyish, and upbeat, now most music is down. We have had a war raging on for 7 years, and really have no solution on how to end it. Some things have also gotten better, we now have our first African American president, and we are more technology sophisticated, so we can make computers and such, to help us. Everything is a lot different.

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