Thursday, November 13, 2008

Exam #2 Essay Questions

1. In this essay, please dicuss the WoT from it's origin to the current debate on it's future.

The origin of the War on Terror is Afghanistan. This is where everything started up. I believe this is the origin of the War on Terror because this is where Bin Ladden planned to make the attacks on America which is what really started the war up. After Bin Ladden accomplished the 9/11 attacks America needed to strike back with something so that we could eventually end the war.

A month later in October the War in Afghanistan officially started. And we fought there for about two years, until 2003 when the war in Iraq started. Also in late 2003 Saddam Hussein was captured. A year later in 2004 we started the war with Pakistan. In 2006 we finally execute Saddam. So in 2008 we are still fighting a war that started 7 years ago. We haven't really gotten anywhere with it at all. We've killed a lot of innocent Men, Women and Children, and they have killed thousand American Soldiers.

This war seems like it is never going to end. It has been drawn on for way to long and it's time that we do something drastic to make it end. All we've done is got into a mess that we can't get out of.

Question 2.

The best president out of the three was Bill Clinton. His major accomplishments were creating over 6 million jobs for the unemployed. He had an awesome accomplishment called the Brady Bill which made it so that when you bought a gun, you had to wait 5 days for it, so they could do a proper background check. Also he did the Crime Bill which added 10,000 police officers to the streets. He made the economy better by making fed. employees pay child support on time. The accomplishments go on and on.

The other two really didn't do as well as he did. George H. W. Bush had one Major Accomplishment which was START which made it so that their wasn't a buildup of Large Armed guns. George Bush really didn't have any accomplishments worth mentioning. With Bill Clinton the list was endless. The Bush's really didn't do much for our country.

I chose Bill Clinto because he really helped our Country. He had many accomplisments that helped not hurt the country. I based my decision on what they did for the country. Thats why I chose Bill Clinton.

Question 3.
The Long Peace foreign policy: